Spent a long weekend in my hometown, Millville, NJ, heading back to zero degree temps in Minnesota tomorrow.
Ate breakfast three of my four days here at Jim's Lunch, a great greasy spoon cafe in downtown Millville, at High and Main. It's very Millville. Funny thing, though: it's always very busy when it's open but is closed during the months June through October, the months when I'm most likely to visit home. So this time, during a rare December visit, I'm getting a Jim's Lunch overdose.
Visited siblings, cousins, the Jersey sights and foods while here... I need this now and then.... Gotta remember who I am sometimes. Work has been hard lately. Easy to lose perspective.
Reading a good book, which my brother Davy and my sister Joan both recommended to me because they knew I'd like it: Main Street by Sinclair Lewis. Originally published in 1920, it's amazing how current it feels.
why on earth would they be closed june-oct??? seems odd??
it's always been extremely odd... I think this is how it started and has just continued: The family that owns the place ("Jim" and descendents) also owned (and maybe still do) a restaurant at the Jersey shore, 30 miles away... The peak time for business at the Jersey shore is June - September, and so that restaurant was only open those months.. Guess they couldn't handle more than one operation at a time. (Good to hear from you, A.P.)
good to hear from you also... have a nice holidays!!
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