Thursday, May 3, 2012

bill clinton ate here

I must have been in the mood for overpriced, mediocre food and spotty service, but for lunch today I somehow ended up at Peter's Grill, which has been in downtown Minneapolis forever, just a couple blocks from my office.  I think it probably just used to be better than it is today.

One thing you notice on the menu at Peter's is the signature of Bill Clinton on the cover.  He ate here while President, April 24, 1995.  There is even a "President Clinton Special" if you want to have exactly what he had for lunch that day (Keep in mind that this was before his heart bypass surgery!).

On the wall next to the cash register is a photo of President Clinton having lunch there with the late Senator Paul Wellstone, my political hero.  It made me sad.  I wish I had another Wellstone to believe in.

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