Sunday, January 27, 2013

chopin on ice

The forecast was for an ice storm, followed by snow.  I took Tom home early, when the freezing rain started; otherwise we had planned to go over to St. Paul to see the Winter Carnival ice sculpturing contest entries.

Instead I spent the afternoon at home with my oft-neglected piano, and there was something about the day that somehow focused me on Chopin.  I pulled out my Chopin piano music and made up my mind to find some pieces that I can learn and master, which is not easy with the works of Frédéric Chopin.

And I found two or three works that I spent the afternoon on.  I have a long ways to go.  You see, there is something deceivingly complex and difficult in Chopin -- maybe not for the listener but certainly for the pianist.  I have decided to be challenged and not intimidated.  I will keep you posted.

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