Tuesday, March 19, 2013

no, not the Steinbeck novel...

.. or the Shakespeare play that the phrase comes from:  This is about the winter of 2013, a winter that, because of its length and severity, has people in certain parts of world just plain pissed off.  Not just here in Minnesota, where it's still cold and snowy in spite of the fact that tomorrow is the first day of spring (as well as my son Jon's birthday, as he reaches the age that Jack Benny claimed).  I see Facebook posts from friends in Pennsylvania, New York, etc., that complain, and my friend Elke in northern Germany is just fed up with winter too.  I don't remember hearing people express winter discontentment like this before.

Me, I work all the time, and I admit that it was harder to work last winter when it was 80 degrees than it is now with single-digit temperatures.  Jerry is somewhere in the Caribbean, spring-breaking with James, and having them gone makes it a little easier to work too.  But I'm getting restless....

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