From 1990, Sinead O'Connor singing her hit song "Nothing Compares 2 U", written by Prince. Because of her almost-shaved head back at the time, Jon and Tom used to call her "Skinhead" O'Connor.
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My German reader(s) can tell me if the German translation is a good one.
You German reader(s) can't say if the translation is correct or at least well done: This song is not available via the Internet in Germany, due to strict legal objections concerning author's rights. Youtube music has undergone severe restrictions only recently. Sorry.
Interesting -- maybe my days of posting videos are numbered! On the other hand, if I'm posting Sinead O'Connor videos, I must be running out of ideas anyway!
A community of about 60,000 German artists, called GEMA, is protecting the rights of musicians. (If you are an artist you know that most oft them don’t have a proper income and that a body like GEMA is absolutely necessary. I can’t judge its efficiency though...). If German radio or TV stations want to play music of these artists, these companies ( also restaurants, cinemas and other places where they play copyrighted music ) have to pay a small amount of money to GEMA who then is supposed to give it directly back to the artists. GEMA started blocking youtube videos with music a couple years ago because they believe Youtube should pay for actively sharing the music. And there has been a legal battle between GEMA and YouTube which has been ruled out against YouTube , view
E -- I understand the whole starving-artist argument, but these days there are musicians getting their big break with YouTube... a video goes viral and has five million hits and it can by itself be the beginning of a career.
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