Sunday, June 2, 2013

the jersey taffy connection

The wedding last night turned out to be fun.  It helps to always keep my expectations low.

First, it was a fairly nontraditional wedding... no church stuff.  The young couple getting married made the event a celebration of certain things and places that mean a lot to them in their relationship.  It surprised me that one of the favorite places of these newlyweds is the Jersey Shore.  Most Minnesotans their age haven't even heard of the Jersey Shore, except for maybe that awful MTV show.

It turns out that a lot of the bride's extended family lives in North Jersey and New York City, hence their awareness of the Shore.  There were some very nice New Jersey people at our table, so we went right away into Jersey-talk.  You can take the boy out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the boy.

To top it off, there at each place setting was a package of three salt-water taffies from Shrivers, in Ocean City, N.J., a landmark fudge-and-taffy store right across the boardwalk from the beach where my ashes will be spread one day.

A nice evening....  But now I'm weddinged-out for a while.

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