Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The general itinerary --
Today I fly to Charlotte, North Carolina to spend some quality time with my sister Nancy.  We hope to take a day trip or an overnight trip somewhere, destination unknown -- South Carolina, Tennessee or western North Carolina?.. Then next Monday I fly from Charlotte to Las Vegas, where I will stay for several days and road-trip from there to the national parks of southern Utah (if I don't lose my ambition).  Back home on Saturday the 26th.

My sons Jon and Tom have a much more ambitious schedule than that.  They leave tomorrow for two weeks in Ireland.  Jon was telling me this morning that this is his fifth trip to Ireland, and, knowing Jon as I do, I'm sure that he knows Ireland much better than most Irish people do.  He and Tom will take thousands of pictures.  I won't take many.

1 comment:

Jon said...

It's OK if you don't take pictures in NC or Vegas, but make you sure take a lot in the national parks!