Wednesday, March 2, 2011

martin's boy, emilio's brother

If there is no such thing as bad publicity, can you imagine the value of all the news coverage that Charlie Sheen is getting these days? The more outrageous his behavior and his interview comments, the more he makes headlines, especially on the Internet, which then leads to more interviews, which leads to more outrageous rantings, which leads, well, you know.....

... and you already know all this, and everybody has Sheen-overload and still it keeps coming...

... But I'm thinking how cool it would be to be Charlie Sheen for one day -- to be able to say absolutely anything that pops in your f-'d-up brain, to be able to loudly badmouth anybody you want to badmouth...

... and, after all that, still have people (like, in Charlie's case, me) who want you to come back to your show.

1 comment:

ruthie said...

He hit 1 million Twitter followers in less than a day. He is definitely winning.