Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the migration continues

My nephew James moved here a year ago at age 18, has done well and has apparently inspired Danny, his cousin and best friend, age 20, to move out here also.  Danny visited us here in Minneapolis back in January and liked it here, and, if you like Minneapolis in January, you'd like it anytime.  After anguishing since January about whether to make the move, he started out driving here from New Jersey last night (in an un-air-conditioned car with temps near 100) and is almost here.

Danny is a good kid and has a lot of potential, he just was finding very limited options where he was.  Let's hope he can make it work here.

The Danny Project begins...  This time, James will show the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brings to mind the word pilgrimage and New Jersey colonizes Minnesota. Only in a no A/C car, not the horse-drawn carriages.