Wednesday, September 7, 2011

tragicomedy tonight

Call me masochistic if you want, but here I sit watching tonight's Republican Presidential debate.  Not sure how much more of it that I can take.

But how depressing it would be to be a Republican and think that one of these dweebs spouting nonsense is going to be that party's presidential candidate. 

From what I see and hear, this is how I would rank them:
--  The most digusting -- Rick Perry.
--  The most insane -- Michele Bachmann.
--  The most unlikable -- Newt Gingich.
--  The most unbelievable -- Mitt Romney.
--  The most oppressive -- Rick Santorum.
--  The most interesting, in a wacky sort of way -- Ron Paul.
--  The one who knows the most about pizza -- Herman Cain.
--  The one who should be a Democrat -- Jon Huntsman.

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